Thursday, March 18

AZ Invasion

The amazing crew of David, Orlando, Ethan, and Lil' Noah all went to Pheonix for Spring Break. I was also in the area and met up with them for a day. Here's the coverage of the heat-filled skating

We met up over at Thunderbird and by the looks of it David just got a banger.Great angle and all. But I blew the shot and got it before he locked in on the waist high out of bank crook. Sorry O'manBummin' on the shotThis lady was hangin' out and let us play with her birdsNoah was stoked on itAction shotGrasser airKrooksLocal ripper, Dustin. Bigflip. Smooth roll awayOne peep then go for it. That's Orlando's way fool. First try is all he needed for that double stackThe two amazing locals over at El Mirage. Dustin and CJ
G-narly Tired and hot, sock skating ensuedEnder photo. This one's for you Rocky

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