Thursday, March 31

You might not like it...

 ...but I sure do!!!!

Sunday, March 27

cool stuff happened this day.

JerSkates Tribute

A little timeline that Jer made to celebrate JerSkates

Photos by Joe!!!

Joe took hold of my camera one day in the car and the revelry began!
Zoomed in, no mouth steez
Rakim kills foo!
Gwen Stefani!!
Got Milt!
A trio of idiots

Sunday Sequence- Redemption

Well, I really liked making that zoo post, so expect a little more of that kind of stuff. Aaaaaannnddd, I know you guys have been missing all of my mediocre skateboarding posts taken on my less than amateur camera device, so here's one of Anthony at that one place.

Anthony Carillo used to have a large hair-do
He got rid of it for better skateboarding functionality. And the chicks
Comin' up for a frontside willy grind
Oh, nevermind
Oh shoot! Nollie!
Bigspin out
Bolts? Maybe
Potential toe drag
And he gets away clean with a stupid face

I felt like adding some more skateboarding goodness into your diet because I'm sure not all of you check all the lovely blogs that I have listed on the left side of the screen.

Saturday, March 26

A Trip to the Zoo!!!!

Welp, I finally got that storage issue cleared up, and to celebrate over a week of no skateboarding posts, I'll make a mega post about my trip to the zoo!!!
Daniel and Stuart outside Britney's...
Cones knows what's goin down!
On that burrito tip
Smiths in a hurry
In line, mad bored
Been packin' since rugby son
Fight scene!
That one just got slapped. Real talk
Mad monkey photos
Cold Killa
Yep. It's gonna be THAT kind of post
He was self conscious about his dirty buttox
King motha truckin' Kong. It's Gorilla Cones for you that weren't aware
Everyone was obsessed with the baby Orangutan
As you can see... was I
Gonna become a big boy soon
"No photography please. I'm not incredibly famous yet!"
Wart Hags
Mo the Hippo!
HUGE!!! I told you it was gonna be that kind of post
Brast feedin
Brit, Cones, and Stuart. One big happy family <3
My native language
Taller than me

Pea cock
Papparazzi Brigade!!!
To the Homeland!
Giant seal thang. Or whatever it's called. Ask Daniel
Flip Flop!
"This thing bit some dude's finger off"_ Daniel Cones
Stuart barely made it
Daniel's main hang out
The American-bred Ginger Snap relies heavily on male attention and companionship.
Bore-FEST 2011
Chillin' at the Polar bear exhibit
They just walk back and forth...
...all day
Brit killin it on that white leg steez!
Captain Texas motha trucka!! If you don't know, now you know
Pride fool. American pride!
This frito pie looked kinda gross
Daniel's melting ice cream
Walkin back all cool. Today Daniel was 4 hundredths of a second away from state qualifying in the 100 dash. Bad start mate...

Daniel's favorite mayne
We think they're slimy even though we know they're not!
Largest snake according to Professor Cones
Had to get that photo-op
Little monkey things
What did I tell you
You forgot about this stuff didn't you...
Train was packed so we got that express steez to the aquarium
Cones and his better half livin' the good life
That's the face that fish made when Daniel grabbed it with his bare hands in the water, killed it, and then mounted it on the wall of the aquarium.
Makes me think of the Preut
Hide and go seek. Ugly motha trucka edition
Close up and errrythang
Overhead view. Trying to be artsy :)
My favorite <3
Not as long as that Elephant
This guy will haunt you in your dreams
Oh, wait. My bad. It's him!
Stuart and Britney trying to look artsy. They did aight
And finally I get ender cuz I took all these photos besides this one. I think it's cute!